Sunday, April 29, 2012

on track and lovin' it

your usual Hi, I'm still alive folks. Life is just so busy. here I am though! So I reset myself in January trying to aim to get back on track and get to my goal. Well I didn't really tell anyone numbers. My lowest ever was 147. I'd love to be there again. I had jumped back up to 165, which obviously was a horrible feeling. I want to be 145. With my height, I think that would be a great number for me. This morning I weighed in at 154.8. I'm getting there. I'm not in a huge rush, really I wanted to do this so that my next trip to florida in april 2013 I would be in tip top shape. yay, and i will be. Lately I've said I've had medical issues...well I've been not feeling the best...again. Oh the joys. Even though I'm feeling sick I'm still getting off work at 4, and hitting the treadmill to run 5k right away. I set it to a very high incline, and run jog as fast as I can. See below pictures for proof. I've learned that higher incline obviously burns more calories but its harder to run it, so I jog.
Anyhow, this week is a busy one for work. Thursday, Friday and Saturday I'm at Oak Island for training, and our annual meetings. I LOVE this annual meeting, its great to have all of our offices together. So I believe I may off out of my calorie rang a bit, but I'm ok with this. The main this is to remember to normal eating habits, drinking my water, snacking on healthy foods. It's funny, because how many people can say yes to this situation "the boss is supplying free coffee and donuts, so I HAVE to have one?" same as well I won a donut with roll up the rim, I can't turn that down. Is saving 80 cents really that important to you? It is really work the hour class at the gym to work it off? heck no. Anyway, just something to think about. I'll be saying PASS to any unhealthy snack sitting there waiting for us to eat it.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Role Models

Have you ever seriously thought about who you may be a role model for? Whether it is your younger sibling, your friends, your family, the community, your co-worker?? The pressure of being a good role model for others weighs pretty heavy on my shoulders. I'm an insurance broker, who needs to be a business professional in the eyes of everyone. I'm a fitness instructor who needs to be a fitness professional in the eyes of everyone. So the pressure is there to look healthy, and be healthy. I'm the leadership chair for relay for life, who needs to lead our committee to make one hell of a relay for life event this year.

I truly try to be the best person I can be. I try my best to be those positive role models in every situation. I'm not perfect, and I know I am no where near perfect, but hope that when I share my stories through my weight loss journey, that I'm being a good role model for people who may actually read this! (which FYI guys, comments would be nice so that at least I know I'm writing for someone!! haha) For people to learn from my mistakes...for people to know we all go through this.

I was in a pretty dark place for a bit. To myself kind of. Have you ever felt like you have no one to talk to? When realistically you probably do, but you still feel alone.....ahh yes this was me. I was in "that" spot. I'm almost out of that spot now. And I'm asking you to continue to follow me on this journey.

By the way, I ran another 5k tonight! So that's 5k yesterday, and 5k tonight!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

life happens....

So lately I may have been away from blogging, away from keeping people up to date. Truth is, I have been keeping my 10lbs off, but I still want more off. I've hit a rock...that rock seems to be life itself.

The past month I've been going through some medical issues. Been through some testing, I've been at the hospital once a week for the past month it seems. Results are back from tests and are all fine. I had strepped throat in between there too. Needless to say, I haven't been the healthiest. Two nights ago I went through the most pain I've ever went through. It was 3AM Good Friday morning, and I was awaken by abdominal pain. From 3-4:30 I couldn't move. Couldn't stretch out my legs, I was in a fetal position wondering when we were going to call 911. it finally went away, and i woke up with dull pain. After talking to my mom, and my boss, I decided it was best to go the ER and figure out what my issue was. Turns out, I had a cyst erupt, I got some pain pills, and I'm suppose to be as good as new, health wise. This is why I say life happens. Its been a rough month for more then this reason.

So many people know that I have a huge passion for Relay for Life. And all this time I've been able to say I've never had a family member effected by cancer. I was so fortunate. I was doing relay for my good pal Joel. Unfortunately, I do now have another reason to relay. My mom`s twin sister has just been diagnosed with Lung, liver and bone cancer. god love her. I havent been very open about this to many people. On one side, I think, how can this possibly happen when Ive raised so much money in the past 6-7 years. It makes me want to just give up. On the other hand, I know that I shouldnt think this way, this is when I should raise the most. This is when I should make sure this is the best relay we`ve ever had, and to ensure we raise the most!! Life is happening all around me...

I woke up this morning thinking, WHY wouldnt I want to be the best person i can be be? The healthy, best sarah that could ever be? Thats my mission for me. Thats my new challenge for me. So instead of doing what a typical Sarah would do....wake up on easter sunday and eat so much chocolate i would be in a coma, i go up and ran 5KM on my treadmill. here's to life happens.